Thank you for your vision and decision to become a proud member of the Con Kreations family, we look forward to growing with you!
The Con Kreations vision is to provide a safe platform to introduce the artist’s expressions from the inside who have experienced life on life’s terms.
As an artistic visionary myself, I have used that creative genius through artistic expressions and various applications to break free from the psychological, spiritual, mental, and emotional oppressions and imprisonment, self-created and otherwise, by creating art that is outside the box to help overcome the struggles that only I know.
What separates us from everyone else is knowing that behind every piece of art is a person like you – A person who is yearning to give back, a person who wants the world to know who they are, to show the world our greatest masterpiece – Ourselves!
Since Con Kreations was created for you, all your insights & opinions are welcome to make Con Kreations family the best it can be!
- Without you, there would be no Con Kreations -